“Boo pants” /interj/ - an exclamation against the hegemony of pants. /n/ - The “pants” or other clothes you wear on your lower extremities when you have “boo pants” moments. Generally marked by an elastic waistband. “Boo pants” include lounge pants, pajama pants, shorts, skirts, kilts, lingerie, underwear, nudity, etc. This blog celebrates “boo pants” in all their glory.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Thanks to the fine folks at GOOD, here's some video of this year's No Pants Subway Ride. Enjoy.
From the New Yorker:

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Evolution and such

Cyanide and Happiness yet again gets it right:

For those of you in major metropolitan areas with subways, this article informs us that the No Pants Ride Will Ride Again!
