“Boo pants” /interj/ - an exclamation against the hegemony of pants. /n/ - The “pants” or other clothes you wear on your lower extremities when you have “boo pants” moments. Generally marked by an elastic waistband. “Boo pants” include lounge pants, pajama pants, shorts, skirts, kilts, lingerie, underwear, nudity, etc. This blog celebrates “boo pants” in all their glory.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Too Long in the Wasteland

There are times you need to wear pants. This may seem antithetical to the movement, but it's not.

For instance, last weekend my wife and I picked blackberries. I wore shorts. I have the scratches to prove it. While it was my time to do with as I pleased, pants should have been required.


When I started this blog, I hoped to highlight the positive about pantslessness. I track news stories that use phrases such as "no pants" or "without pants" or "pantsless." However, far too many of the stories that arrive in my inbox are ones like this one:

Woman finds pantsless stranger sleeping in her bed

Perverts set our movement behind. Drunks set our movement behind. The insane set our movement behind. Drunken insane perverts really set our movement behind.

Although they all are amusing at times.

Pants must be seen for what they are - a necessity at times, but also a powerful sign of the hegemony under which we all live.

Are you going to wear pants this weekend?