“Boo pants” /interj/ - an exclamation against the hegemony of pants. /n/ - The “pants” or other clothes you wear on your lower extremities when you have “boo pants” moments. Generally marked by an elastic waistband. “Boo pants” include lounge pants, pajama pants, shorts, skirts, kilts, lingerie, underwear, nudity, etc. This blog celebrates “boo pants” in all their glory.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

This post, entitled "Stuff that 2-Year-Olds Can Get Away With," from another blog is brilliant. (Man, I wish I was still 2. You even get the designation "terrible.")

Please note the part about parts: Who wears pants when they're home?

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Going out with style (or trying to)

Okay, this woman completely failed. This is not how to go into the Great Beyond without pants encumbering you on your journey.

This guy fared much better. If that was his goal. If not, why else would he be walking pantsless in the street at 3:30 in the morning?

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Alas, not all of us are fit enough for the revolution.

This is not me. Besides, I don't need to be nude to make little girls cry. :(