“Boo pants” /interj/ - an exclamation against the hegemony of pants. /n/ - The “pants” or other clothes you wear on your lower extremities when you have “boo pants” moments. Generally marked by an elastic waistband. “Boo pants” include lounge pants, pajama pants, shorts, skirts, kilts, lingerie, underwear, nudity, etc. This blog celebrates “boo pants” in all their glory.

Friday, May 7, 2010

With apologies to the Beatles

Yesterday, my wife came home (Hooray!). She travels a lot around the state for her job.

Anyway, she was driving along the highway when she saw something she said would have made me very happy.

A discarded pair of pants just left on (and in) the road.

I envision jeans or blue work pants. I like the contrast of the blue against the gray of the pavement.

Anyway, the fun part of this story is imagining how they got there. With the recent flooding, unfortunately, there are a number of possibilities, some quite sad.

However, I choose to think of someone casting them aside as they sped down the road in a convertible, with the top-down and wind flowing through their hair and whipping the pants legs around. A beautiful moment of audacious freedom from the hegemony of clothing!


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